Saturday, June 19, 2010

What a week!

Last week I was visiting family in NC. My sister needed help clearing brush ( which I was happy to do) A few days later Poison Ivy popped up on my leg and continued to spread to the other leg and no medicine was helping.  Off to the Doctor I go steroid shot and cream. The next morning I get up itching all over my stomach and back and a blotchy rash all over so back to the Doctor I go.  He is not sure what the rash is so sends me to the dermatologist.  The PA at the office had to get the Doctor in and they think I have to many histamines in my body.( Apparently I am strange) So now I am on 3 antihistamines, which makes me sleepy, a spray, and prednisone (which will probably make me crazier). So there is my pity party for the weekend.
My family went to see Toy Story 3 today and I couldn't go because I would look like a freak scratching myself.  They did say it was really good.  I was able to watch a couple of movies here. I liked Valentines Day, it was a cute movie, but my husband would have hated it. So it was good I watched this movie alone.

Valentine's Day 

Julie & Julia (Ws Dub Sub Ac3 Dol)Next I watched Julie and Julia, which I thought was fabulous!!  I love to cook so I enjoyed that part of the movie.  Also, as a blogger it is very inspiring if you haven't seen it you should rent it!

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